Royal Leamington Spa public art has never looked so colourful!
Warwick District Council is looking for your suggestions on people, places, objects, or things you associate with Royal Leamington Spa to create seven large-format Colour Palettes.
The information you provide will help shape the development of this eye-catching piece of public art, planned to be installed in the pedestrian underpass at Leamington Spa Station, which will be seen by 1,000s of people during this year’s Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.
The Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palettes art piece will be made up of a variety of colours and each one representing one of seven themes relating to the town:
Arts and Culture
Sports and Leisure
Nature and Natural Environment
Your suggestions will be used to inform the creation of the palettes, which will showcase what the town has to offer people visiting Royal Leamington Spa, for example, the Royal Pump Rooms, Royal Spa Centre, Jephson Gardens.
Pictured: An artist’s impression of how the Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palettes will look
Councillor Susan Rasmussen, Mayor of Royal Leamington Spa, said: “This project is a celebration of the rich and varied colours of Royal Leamington Spa and our commitment to the creation of exciting community art across our town. It is also an excellent opportunity to engage with and involve residents to find out which local features or folk they think should be included in this artwork at such an important visitor gateway into Royal Leamington Spa.”
Councillor Liam Bartlett, Warwick District Council Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism & Leisure, said: “The Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palettes will be a great visual improvement for the gateway into the town. Welcoming visitors and spectators from all over the world during this year’s Commonwealth Games. This piece of public art will showcase what we are proud of in Royal Leamington Spa and provide a fantastic opportunity for the people of the district to be part of this project.”
Colour Palette Company artist Stacey Barnfield said: “The Colour Palette artworks are all about celebrating local; the areas we grew up in, the people who inspire us, the places we love and the buildings we cherish. It’s wonderful that the Royal Leamington Spa Colour Palettes are being shaped by residents of the town and my thanks go out to everyone who submits a suggestion.
“I can’t wait to see what will feature on the final artworks. They promise to be fascinating and interesting designs packed with wonderful – and colourful – references that will welcome visitors to the town in their thousands every day.”
To submit your suggestions, complete this short online form by Saturday 12 February 2022.
All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of representatives from Warwick District Council, Royal Leamington Spa Town Council, Warwick District Creative Compact and the artist Stacey Barnfield.
Royal Leamington Spa’s Colour Palettes are planned to be installed before the Games come to the district this July.
This piece of art is being created with funding from Warwick District Council and Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP), with the support of Royal Leamington Spa Town Council, Warwickshire County Council, Network Rail, Warwick District Creative Compact and Heart of England Community Rail Partnership.
Royal Leamington Spa’s Colour Palettes will form part of Warwick District Councils CultureFest, which will showcase and celebrate the incredible arts and heritage venues, artists, and creatives in the area from Saturday 16 July to Sunday 21 August 2022.
Stacey Barnfield is an artist from Birmingham who is developing the colour palette artwork to feature in the pedestrian underpass at Leamington Spa Railway Station. He has developed a similar Birmingham Colour Palette at Grand Central at New Street Station.
The Colour Palette Company has created more than 25 palettes for UK holiday destinations, cities, towns and counties. Among these are Manchester, London, The Peak District, Cornwall, Devon, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
Warwick District will be providing venues for the Lawn Bowls and Para Lawn Bowls at Royal Leamington Spa's Victoria Park and the Cycling Road Race start/finish at St Nicholas Park, Warwick, as part of this year’s Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.
The Colour Palette Company is a UK registered design: 6 155 613