The Oxford Colour Palette Art Print

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The Oxford Colour Palette poster makes a great Oxford University graduate gift, home office artwork, house warming gifts or add a splash of familiar colour to your kitchen.

Featuring the colours of Oxford and its world-famous, historic, architecture in a gradient of six swatches, all with local meaning, the poster is a must if you live, work or study in Oxfordshire.

The Oxford Colour Palette:

Bodleian Brown: For the leather binding of millions of books at the Bodleian Library. Founded in 1602 by Sir Thomas Bodley, it is one of the oldest libraries in Europe, with over 13 million printed items.

United Yellows: For Oxford United, founded as Headington Football Club in 1893, the club adopted its current name in 1960. Nicknamed The Us or the Yellows.

Dreaming Spires Stone: The Dreaming Spires are the spired domes and towers that make up the skyline of Oxford. The term comes from a line in the poem “Thyrsis” by Victorian poet Matthew Arnold, which describes Oxford as “the city of dreaming spires”.

Cowley Chrome: For Cowley, which was transformed after 1912 when William Morris relocated Morris Motors Limited and made it a world-famous centre of automotive and engineering skills.

Inklings Blue: For The Inklings, a literary discussion group associated with JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis at the University of Oxford, meeting at The Eagle and Child Pub.

Sub Fusc Black: For Sub Fusc (from the Latin sub fuscus meaning very dark), worn by students beneath their academic gowns when sitting examinations.